Haryana Bijli Bill Online - Download Electricity Bills, Make Payments & Get Receipts Easily | Read Step-By-Step
Updated on 23-09-2020 by Sewadar Standing in front of payment window in long queues for prolonged hours and facing issues regarding coin adjustment, It’s one of the traditional methods of paying electricity bills offline. Being a consumer, I truly understand the efforts, troubles and the irritation level that is faced by public while paying the bills. Therefore, I am going to share online-solutions for offline-problems connected with the payment of electricity bills. It is a going to be a step-by-step guide following which a person living in either city or village, A small business or an empire can view bills, download bill copies, make payments, checking payment history and can explore a lot more tasks beyond the imaginations. This facility of paying bills online is provided by Government of Haryana, via its online website. Anybody can use this portal for a variety of purposes. For example, a tenant can check the payment history or due bills of a house (or property) b...