Just One Click and Translate any Webpage in Your Local Language on Google Chrome. No Dictionary Required. Know How >

Learn How to Translate any article in Google Chrome.

This is going to be very useful for students, parents, teachers and specially for those who want to translate the online webpage text to their local languages.

Hello and welcome to my blog SewaDiary. Today in this article, i am going to share a most important tool which is used most often when we use the internet for preparing assignments, reading news articles, studying online and for research purposes.

⌚ The estimated reading & learning time for this article is Just:   3 Minutes  

Generally, i maintain a pocket diary for the problems that i face on daily basis. Then i try to find the easiest method to solve the problem. So, in the upcoming paragraphs of this article i am going to share one of such solutions that i have discovered for you.

Let's start.

A few days ago, i was preparing my self written notes on the subject of "Strategic Management" for my college assignment. To prepare the assignment, i started collecting the study material from different sources such as college library etc.

But after a lot of research, i found that the study material available in our college campus was outdated and faculty members were not ready to order a fresh lot of updated books.

So, i decided to find the content online. Finally i got the relevant content But again there was a problem related to the language of content.

The language of content was available in hardcore English and because my native language was Hindi, so i was not comfortable in reading and learning the content. 

In beginning, i started copying the paragraphs one-by-one and pasting them in 3rd party apps to get them translated.

But this process was very lengthy and the chances of error occurrence was so high. So, i started the research first to find the tool that can translate the entire web page for me in one go. And finally i got the solution.

  The solution name is  "Google Chrome" 

The android smartphone users can download the App from PlayStore and iPhone users can get the app from App Store. I will provide the direct link to download the App at the end of this article. You can scroll down and download the app. But wait ! I prefer you to first read the "6 quick guide steps" given below to make sure that you can use the app without any hiccups.

   In this tutorial, i am going to answer following questions in just 6 steps: 

  • How to Translate a Webpage in Hindi?
  • How to Translate a from English to Any other language?
  • How to Translate a Webpage to any regional language?
  • How to Practice learning a new language?
  • How to translate study notes, stories and any text online?
  • How to translate online in Google Chrome?

Solution is Here
   6 Step Solution - Translate Webpage Online:

  1. First of all, check your internet connection and make sure it should be activated throughout the process of translation.
  2. Now, download the app Google Chrome from your app store. If you have already downloaded then make sure it should be updated as well.
  3. Now open the webpage that you want to translate.
  4. Now click on the icon of three dots, given on the top right corner [ ⠇].
  5. Here you will see a list of buttons out of which one button is named as "Translate"
  6. Now click the button Translate and Finally you can see the entire page content will be translated to your desirous language. For more details kindly check the attached file below:

In this process, Google will translate the entire page from English to your regional or selected language. 

But in case, you want to translate the webpage in other 3rd language such as German, Punjabi or French, then you can change the translated language by tapping the Three Dots [⠇] given onto the webpage on your screen.

You can take the reference from the image given below. Just after tapping the three dots, you will get 5 options:

Photo 2: Translate to any Other Language

Photo 3: Select More Languages to choose from the list of different languages.

  • More Languages: Select this option to choose your preferred language from the list provided.
  • Always translate pages in English
  • Never translate pages in English
  • Never translate this site
  • Page is not in English

So, in this way you can translate any webpage on the internet in whatever language you wish to read.

I hope this article helped you to resolve your problem.

Thank you once again for reading this and i always welcome your questions, suggestions & doubts which you can leave in the comment box below.

Click & Download Google Chrome from here:


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